Our Committees
Engage & Serve
At NYAPC, our mission is brought to life through a dedicated network of boards and committees. These groups serve as the heartbeat of our community, embodying God’s love and justice through their actions. Our vibrant committees work alongside the Session to fulfill our mission. Whether you’re interested in worship, finance, justice, or history, there’s a place for you to make a difference. Join for a season or a few years – your contributions matter.
Our Committees
Worship & Music
The Worship & Music Committee works closely with our pastors and Director of Music to curate services that are meaningful and joyful. They are committed to fostering an environment where all worshipers can experience the transforming power of God’s love and be equipped to carry out God’s work in the world.
The Personnel Committee advises the Session and Head of Staff on personnel-related issues. The committee, which includes representatives from all boards and the congregation, proposes employment policies and makes policy recommendations, assists in recruiting and hiring staff, and provides oversight of the annual performance review process.
The Finance Committee is primarily responsible for shepherding the congregation along the annual budget process as well as regularly reporting back on our performance compared to the budget. We also monitor financial practices to ensure they are being conducted in alignment with the financial manual. New volunteers are welcome.
Congregational Nurture and Learning
The Congregational Nurture and Learning Committee helps our congregation know one another and grow and learn spiritually, so the community is able to witness our faith in word and action. Our fun-loving, dedicated group supports this purpose through a wide range of meaningful activities, from coffee fellowship to planning retreats to coordinating adult learning discussions. New volunteers are welcome.
Children and Youth
The Children and Youth Committee supports the children, youth, and families of the congregation as they grow in faith. We encourage families to connect more deeply with one another and God through Christian Education, fellowship, worship, and other spiritual formation opportunities. New volunteers are welcome.
The Evangelism Committee encourages and equips the congregation to share the Good News of God’s Love for God’s creation through welcoming visitors, encouraging the use of name tags in worship, hosting new member classes, and helping new members to enter fully into the life and ministry of the church. New volunteers are welcome.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying and recruiting church members to serve on various boards and committees within the church, including the Session, Diaconal Ministers, Trustees, and the Nominating Committee itself. They play a vital role in ensuring the church has a diverse and capable group of individuals serving in leadership positions.
The Justice Committee discerns and oversees the mission and justice work of the church. This includes supporting the teams that coordinate and lead the Radcliffe Room, Community Club, Peace and Justice Committee, and Cuba and Njoro partnerships. The committee also supports anti-racist learning and action in the congregation as well as new initiatives.
The Communications Committee is passionate about effectively communicating the mission and values of our church to the broader community. This team plays a crucial role in spreading the message of God’s love, inclusivity, and justice through various communication channels. They collaborate to develop strategies, design visually appealing materials, and engage with our community. New volunteers are welcome.
The Stewardship Committee encourages members and friends of NYAPC to provide the financial support that makes the church’s mission and operations possible. The annual Stewardship Campaign, an occasional Capital Campaign, and gifts made throughout the year support the church’s programs and outreach to those we serve. The committee tracks and reports progress and expresses appreciation to members and friends for their generosity.
History and Archives
The History and Archives Committee plays a significant role in preserving and sharing the rich history of NYAPC. They are responsible for maintaining the church records, which date back to 1803. Through classes, written materials, and guided tours, the committee shares the compelling story of NYAPC as a congregation committed to seeking justice.
The Sizoo Library offers a collection of books about theology, church history, Bible study, Christian art, and spirituality as well as the Diaconal Ministers’ Care Collection and a small selection of recent books about Lincoln. Books may be checked out by members through the self-checkout notebook under the far-right window in the Docherty Center.
McClendon Scholar-in-Residence
The McClendon Scholar in Residence Board helps organize programs featuring distinguished scholars, theologians, and thought leaders who inspire intellectual curiosity and foster meaningful discussions on faith, scholarship, and social justice. This group promotes the integration of faith and learning.