Make a Difference
Our community thrives through the dedication and service of a host of regular and rotating volunteers. Whether you have a few hours to spare or are looking for ongoing involvement, there are numerous opportunities to contribute your time, talents, and passion to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors and the life of the church.
Our Opportunities
Radcliffe Room
Volunteers provide a safe space and essential resources to individuals experiencing homelessness. Each Sunday morning, we distribute meals, offer hospitality, and engage in compassionate conversations. Your kindness can bring comfort and hope to those facing challenging situations. Serve regularly or once in a while.
Our Community Club tutors make a positive impact on the educational journey of children and youth in DC. Tutors help students weekly to excel academically, provide guidance in various subjects, and foster a love for learning. Substitute tutors are welcome as well.
As an inviting presence outside the first-floor entryway door and sanctuary steps on Sunday mornings, your welcoming smile will create a positive and inclusive experience for visitors. From offering a friendly hello to providing directions and assistance, you will help ensure each person passing or entering the church feels valued and at ease. Serve regularly or once in a while.
Coffee Fellowship
Bring treats and/or assist with setting up and serving refreshments, engaging in conversation, and making all who gather for coffee after worship feel at home. By serving in these roles, you support a friendly and inviting atmosphere for our community to connect. Serve regularly or once in a while.
Children & Youth Sunday School
Our teachers lead Sunday School for children and youth at 9 am each Sunday. Teachers create a welcoming and loving space to grow in faith and serve as a vital part of their faith journey. Each team includes 3 adults so no one needs to be there every week and curriculum is provided.
Our Tech Team plays a vital role in creating a seamless and meaningful worship experience. From operating sound systems to managing visual presentations and live streaming, your participation supports and enhances worship. No experience is necessary and training is provided. Serve regularly or once in a while.
As people enter the sanctuary, ushers create a welcoming environment for worshipers and guests. Ushers distribute bulletins, guide attendees to their seats, collect offerings, and ensure an orderly service. Our usher teams serve once a month.
Worship Liturgist
Worship liturgists lead the congregation in prayers, litanies, and reading scripture. Our pastors will guide you and provide all the liturgy. Your participation helps create an experience that connects hearts to God and one another. Serve regularly or once in a while.
Migrant Hospitality
NYAPC and other faith-based organizations and mutual aid groups have provided essential support (such as food, clothing, shelter, etc.) to asylum seekers arriving in DC from the southwest since April 2022. There are multiple ways to support this ministry through volunteering and donated items. Sign up to learn more about current needs.
Contribute your enthusiasm, skills, and expertise to specific areas of church life as a committee member. Whether it’s the Worship Committee, Evangelism Committee, Finance Committee, or others, your involvement helps shape the direction and impact of our church community.