Community Club
About us
For more than 60 years, Community Club has been pairing students from DC public and charter schools with adult volunteers for one-on-one mentoring.
Every Thursday night at 7 pm during the school year, the Peter Marshall Hall comes alive with the energy of over 100 7th-12th grade students and over 100 mentors (tutors) working on homework, longer-term school projects, and college applications.
Each student discovers another adult in their life who cares enough to spend an hour each week helping them succeed in school. Consistency in meeting each week fosters the growth of trusting friendships. Doing homework in a room full of other teenagers provides positive models that may exist nowhere else in a student’s experience.
At 8 pm work concludes, and tutors and students hear the Club announcements, including the latest scholarship and college acceptances. As the younger students applaud the fruit of the seniors’ hard work, their own ambitions for academic success are nurtured.
Additional Programs
Students and tutors spend an October weekend at Prince William Forest State Park where they bond through hikes, arts and crafts, sports, skits, and camp chores, e.g., making meals and cleaning cabins.
Tutor Workshop
Tutors hone their tutoring skills with advice from outside speakers and fellow tutors.
Graduation Ceremony
On the last Thursday evening each May, the church sanctuary fills as tutors, students and their families gather to award attendance and academic success and to honor our seniors.
Students in the 9th through 12th grades who maintain good grades and steady attendance at Study Hall receive monthly stipends. This allows students to concentrate on their studies rather than take on part-time jobs. Qualifying graduates of the program are also eligible to receive the Club’s college scholarships. In addition, graduates of the Club frequently obtain other local college scholarships in part based on nominations or recommendations by the Club leadership.