Beyond our walls
Since 1999, NYAPC has partnered with First Presbyterian-Reformed Church of Havana, Cuba. The purpose of the relationship is to affirm and build on the unity of the Presbyterian Church under Jesus Christ through a mutual exchange of people, communication, spiritual understanding, Christian education and Bible study, theology, cultural understanding (art, music, theater), financial support, and political understanding.
Our next Cuba Missions Trip is Monday, February 17—Monday, February 24, 2025! This means it is time for the Cuba Partners Committee annual First Havana Supply Drive. Our Cuban friends have been living in incredibly difficult conditions, with extreme limits on basics like food, soap, and medicine. We have the opportunity to share our abundance with the First Presbyterian-Reformed Church of Havana. This year we have created a shopping list through Target. All goods will be shipped directly to NYAPC. This year the biggest needs are powdered milk, over the counter medicines, and batteries. There are also options for vitamins and toiletries. If you prefer to purchase outside of the online list donations will be welcomed at the church front desk. Funds for goods or airline baggage fees can be donated on NYAPC.org using option Give to Cuba Partners, 2445.