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Peace & Global Witness Offering

October 6 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am

The Peace & Global Witness Offering is an important annual event in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), designed to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world. This offering is collected during the Season of Peace, which runs from September 1st through October 6th, culminating on World Communion Sunday.

Contributions to this offering are divided to support peacemaking efforts at various levels: 25% of the offering stays with local congregations to support peace initiatives in their communities, another 25% is used by mid councils for regional peace and reconciliation efforts, and the remaining 50% is directed to the Presbyterian Mission Agency for global peace and justice programs.

At NYAPC, we encourage our congregation to participate in this offering as it allows us to actively engage in ministries of reconciliation, both locally and globally, and to bear witness to the peace of Christ in a world where peace is often at risk.

For more information on how your contribution makes a difference, visit PC(USA) Peace & Global Witness Offering (Presbyterian Special Offerings) (Presbytery of Greater Atlanta) (PCUSA).



1313 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 20005 United States