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WIN Public Safety Mini-Conference

September 22 | 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Join our partner WIN’s event on Public Safety!

The Washington Interfaith Network Public Safety Team invites member congregations and allies to join us Sunday afternoon, September 22nd, to discuss the state of public safety in D.C., to reflect on the theological vision we bring to the work, and to prepare to organize and advocate effectively for approaches that are equitable and sustainable. We will be building relationships across institutions, including faith-based and secular, and learning about approaches that can genuinely help our communities. The afternoon will be educational, interactive, and inspiring.

All are welcome! We particularly encourage congregations that have been involved in public safety/gun violence, or who want to be, to send a team of 3 or more. It’s always easier to mobilize if you have a team! The Mini-Conference will be Sunday September 22 at Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ, 3845 S Capitol St SW, from approximately 2-6 PM. More information on the program and registration coming soon. If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out to Olivia Buckley, WIN’s Public Safety Organizer, at olivia.windc@gmail.com.

Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ

3845 S Capitol St SW
Washington, DC 20032 United States