Who We Are

Our Mission

NYAPC is a member of the National Capital Presbytery in the Presbyterian Church (USA), as well as part of More Light Presbyterians, the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, and the Washington Interfaith Network.

NYAPC is an inclusive community of faith in the heart of Washington DC, engaging in God’s transforming work, challenging the powerful, standing with the oppressed, lifting up the broken-hearted, and making God’s love and justice visible by welcoming and loving all.

Our Credo

Expressing God’s Love,
Engaging in God’s Justice

Our Values

Foundational Worship

We gather to praise God, just as we are, amidst the brokenness of the world, seeking to be transformed by the Word and inspired by the Spirit to bear God’s love and justice.

Prophetic Witness

We seek to be faithful to the justice-seeking God by witnessing against all that deforms God’s good creation, so that we might be where God is, at work bringing new life.

Nurturing Community

We care for one another as God cares for us; learning and growing in our faith; nurturing deep, lasting friendships; feeding each other’s spirits; and reaching out to neighbors near and far.

Radical Hospitality

We offer God’s inclusive welcome, inspired by Jesus’ ministry and empowered by God’s Spirit to provide all a safe place and a spiritual home.

Joyful Stewardship

We nourish and share our gifts from God’s abundance so that we may move boldly forward in our common journey of faith.

Our Vision

Following Christ into places of brokenness and joy, NYAPC will do justice, treat all with kindness and mercy, and walk humbly with God.