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Cuba Supply Drive

January 10 - February 9

In February, NYAPC is visiting our partner church, Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada de la Habana! This means it is time for the Cuba Partners Committee annual First Havana Supply Drive. Our Cuban friends have been living in incredibly difficult conditions, with extreme limits on basics like food, soap, and medicine. We have the opportunity to share our abundance with the First Presbyterian-Reformed Church of Havana. This year we have created a shopping list through Target. All goods will be shipped directly to NYAPC. This year the biggest needs are powdered milk, over the counter medicines, and batteries. There are also options for vitamins and toiletries. If you prefer to purchase outside of the online list, donations will be welcomed at the church front desk. Funds for goods or airline baggage fees can be donated on NYAPC.org using option Give to Cuba Partners, 2445

Along with the supplies we are soliciting suitcases for trip participants to hand-carry all the donations on our flight to Havana. We also welcome empty/used pill bottles! First Havana (re)uses the bottles when distributing the various medicines.

All donations are used to stock First Havana’s medical clinic and “store,” all provided at no charge to church members and the local community. Please help us bring these items to our Cuban friends by buying online or leaving donations at the front desk! This is a wonderful way to show how much New York Avenue supports First Havana’s many local missions. If you have any questions please contact Aryn Myers. The Presbyterian Cuba Partners Network, NYAPC, and First Havana thank you for your support!

2025 Shopping List 

Target registry: https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift/cubanyapc

  1. AA Batteries
  2. AAA Batteries
  3. Acetaminophen (adult)
  4. Acetaminophen (children)
  5. Alka Seltzer
  6. Analgesic creams
  7. Anti diarrheal
  8. Antacids
  9. Aspirin 325 mg
  10. Aspirin 81 mg
  11. Asthma spray (Salbutamol)
  12. Bandaids
  13. Benadryl
  14. Bengay
  15. Calcium
  16. Desitin
  17. Excedrin
  18. Ibuprofen (adult)
  19. Ibuprofen (children)
  20. Icy hot
  21. Loratadine (Claritin)
  22. Medicines for colds (Night and day)
  23. Melatonin
  24. Multivitamins (adults)
  25. Multivitamins (children)
  26. Naproxen
  27. Omega 3
  28. Omeprazol
  29. Oral rehydration salts
  30. Powdered Milk
  31. Soap
  32. Syringes (general)
  33. Syringes (diabetic)
  34. Toilet paper
  35. Toothpaste (all sizes)
  36. Triple antibiotic cream
  37. Vitamin A
  38. Vitamin B Complex (B1-B6-B12)
  39. Vitamin C
  40. Vitamin E
  41. Wound bandages
  42. Wound tape
  43. Colostomy bags
  44. Adult Diapers Women Small / Medium / Large
  45. Adult Diapers Men Small / Medium / Large



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